Thursday 10 September 2015

Portuguese Settlement

Malacca was a Portuguese colony from 1511 to 1641 and Portuguese men settled here and married Malay women from the area and from Sumatra.

Goa was also a Portuguese colony at this time and many of the Portuguese men had mixed Indian blood. In the following centuries further mixing with Chinese, Malays, Indians and others produced a mixed Eurasian community.

Their language is Kristang (cristao), a creole mixture of archaic Portuguese from the 16th century combined with Malay elements and found only in Malaysia and Singapore.
They are devout Catholics and they have strived to maintain some of their traditions such as food, costume and dance.

The Portuguese Settlement was first created in 1933 when 11 hectares of land just outside of Melaka was purchased to create a haven for the Kristang who were becoming increasingly scattered. Originally beginning life as 10 simple houses, its creation soon attracted increasing numbers of people.

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