Thursday 10 September 2015

Suggestion 1: Historical Walk i

(Route Suggestions for one day tour)
Suggestion 1 Historical Walk
Route 1
Suggested for:
This route is designed for tourist without own transportation and who would like to explore the historical side of the city of Malacca.
Malacca is a historical city and it had been inscribed as a world heritage city in 2008. The historical spots have existed since many decades ago and waiting for historical explorer to discover!
This route of the one day tour is mainly discovering the historical spots or building situated nearby to the “Red House” area.

Morning: (Time suggested to visit is between 8-10 am)
In the morning, let’s start the tour by gasping refreshing air at the top of hill. First, we will visit the St. Paul's Church

St Paul Church
St. Paul's Church is located at top of a hill. Visitors need to climb up the ladders to reach the historical church but fortunately the hill is not consider too high for climbing. This serves as a good morning exercise to start the tour. This church is non functional anymore but is opened for tourist to visit. The church was once an extension of the A Famosa Fort which was a strategic place to monitor enemy attach from the Malacca straits. his historical church was a praying place for the Dutch but later became burial ground for the noblemen of Dutch.

Next, we will visit the most symbolic attraction of Malacca, A Formosa, which is an important spot that every tourist MUST visit during their first visit to Malacca!
A Formosa is just at the vicinity of the St. Paul's Church. It is located just down the hill from St. Paul's Church and is just a 2 minutes’ walking distance.

A Famosa
A Famosa is built by the Portuguese in 1511, it functioned as a fort to defend against foreign invasion. The A Farmosa Fortress was built around the natural hill near the sea as a sprawl across a whole hillside. It was destroyed by the British in 1806 and now just the gate is the only part of the fortress which still remains today. Entrance to the fort is free and we can climb up hill to the military base and there will be a display of canon and we can imagine during that time how the Portuguese and Dutch glance through the surrounding by standing on the military base. You can have an overview of  the Malacca town up from there.

Afternoon (About 1.00p.m.)
After taking Lunch, let’s head over and visit the Christ Church Malacca. From A Famosa to the Dutch square area is just a 10 to 15 minutes walking distances.

Christ Church Melacca

The Christ Church was built in 1753 by the Dutch. It is the oldest functioning protestant church in Malaysia. It has 3 Sunday services which is at 8.30 a.m. for the English service, 10.30 a.m. for the Mandarin service and 4.30 p.m. for the Malay language service. The church is built in accordance to Dutch Colonial architecture style and the interior is plain and elegant.

The Queen Victoria’s Fountain. It is located just in front of the Christ Church.

Queen Victoria's Fountain

The Queen Victoria’s Fountain was built in 1901 by the British. This fountain is built to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty's reign. While taking photo with this 100 over years fountain, this fountain still have a function for tourist to make a wish by throwing coins into the fountain. Who know this ancient old fountain might help you fulfill all your wishes!

Tan Beng Swee Clock Tower
The “Red Clock tower” is called the Tan Beng Swee Clock Tower and was built in 1886. This is another significant icon at the Dutch Square and it is highly recommended that tourists should snap some photos at this spot due to its uniqueness and historical value. 

Next location is the Stadthuys. The Stadthys is just beside the Christ church and is within 2-minutes walking distance.

The Stadthuys means the city hall and it is also called the Red square. It was built in 1650 and it was functioning as an office of the Dutch Governor and Deputy Governor back then. The Stadthuys had been converted into a Historical, Ethnography and Literature Museum which displays the typical features of Dutch colonial architecture. The visiting hour is from Monday to Thursday 0900-2030, Friday and Saturday 0900-1730 and is closed on Sunday. The admission fees is Adult RM5 and Children below 12 years is RM3. 

After dinner (8.00 pm to 10.00 pm)
After a day of walking, the last tour for the day is to catch on the Malacca river cruise. This will be a great way to explore the city by the river way and finally have both feet resting while continue the discovery journey.

Malacca River Cruise
We can imagine that the river we are crossing on is the exact river that has existed since many decades ago except that the local government had carried out beautification activities to its environment.
There are two Jetty to be aboard, one is at the Muara Jetty and another is the Taman Rempah Jetty. For the route of the trip, it is advisable to aboard at the Muara Jetty and it is about 20 to 25 minites of walking distance from Stadthuys to Muara Jetty.
The whole Round trip will take about 45 minutes and the ticket will be RM10 for Adult and RM5 for children under 12, for foreigners is RM15 for Adults.

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