Tuesday 15 September 2015

The King's Well (Hang Li Po's Well)

King's Well was built in 1459 by the followers of Princess Hang Li Poh as the main source of water supply in the town. Being the oldest well in Malaysia, it is said that the well will never dried up, not even during times of extreme drought.

Upon conquering Melaka in 1511, the Portuguese secured the well and hence gained total control of the well to serve as one of their main sources of water supply. In retaliation, Sultan Mansur Shah seek help from the Javanese and the well were filled with poison and many who drank from it died of poisoning. According to Portuguese historian, Diogo de Couto, many Portuguese soldiers died from drinking the water from the well.

After the Dutch conquered Malacca in1677, they surrounded the well with solid brick walls in bid to safeguard the well and prevent it from being poisoned again and maintain their rights over it and to. The wall surrounding the well erected by the Dutch is still present today.

Address: Jalan Puteri Hang Li Poh, 75100 Melaka

Open hours: 7.00 a.m - 7.00 p.m, no holiday

Inquiry: 06-283 6538

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